On July 1st, the Chronicle released an article about Kalabash Football Academy. You can find the full story here.
The Kalabash Football Academy was set up in 2018 by Foday Kabba, born in Sierra Leone to a Gambian father and a Guinean mother, to give Gambia’s youngsters the opportunity to be successful on and off the playing field.
His mission is to build communities by delivering an inclusive football academy, fitness and wellness experience to all.
“Gambia is part of my life and when we were picking locations for this gesture, I didn’t hesitate to choose this country,” says Kabba.
Foday Kabba
Kalabash Academy places as much emphasis on education as football, and according to him, its graduates are as likely to gain scholarships to U.S. universities as they are to play professional football. “Our Academy philosophy is based on increased training. Less total games and more meaningful games, using international rules of competition.”
Targeting youngsters between the ages of 12- 18, the academy is expected to consistently produce players for the professional game and student athletes for top-class academic institutions.
“This is a commitment to develop our talents for the betterment of the country,” says Sainey Touray, a local youth development coach. “I hope all the selected young players will take this opportunity seriously because it’s a life changing chance.”
Kalabash Football Academy youngsters listen as trainer lectures
Recently, the Kalabash Football Academy held a recruitment event at the National Technical Training Centre in Yundum where potential youngsters were assessed on their football abilities.